Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finally, UVP has got a blog!

I know many of you thought this day would never come, but I have finally created a photo blog for Utah Valley Photo. Okay, so many of you are thinking, "haven't you had a blog for 3 yrs.?" Yes. but can you really count it if I never used it? I don't think so either. So, what has inspired me? My new website, of course. I am launching my new website in a few weeks with a splash page that will direct folks to either my website or my blog.
Many of know that I am a dedicated blogger for my private family's blog, and I am excited to keep clients and loyal blog stalkers, up to date on what I have been recently working on. As well as offering clients a "sneak peak" of their events before they are completely ready.

So, I hope you are as excited as I am. Check back often. And, hey, be daring enough to leave a comment every now and then. I dare you.

p.s. Here's one of my favorite pictures I got in my busy October wedding month.